God’s Will: Everything Happens Out Of His Good Will (Day 2)

#2@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

#2@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

There are times where bad things came up in our life and we do not get the result that we want despite the monumental effort that we have given in. Anyhow, do believe that everything happens out of God’s good will. God is always good. He loves us as He Himself is love. He will never waste any time on us by allowing us to go through unnecessary struggles. In every life mishap and every hardship, He is constantly moulding us into better beings who are capable enough to receive the good things that He is going to give us. Be persevered, stand up from where you fall and keep believing that better things will come, either on the world or in God’s kingdom.

Related biblical verse:
Romans 8: 28- And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Life example:

Jeremy Lin, famous NBA basketball player

Jeremy Lin, famous NBA basketball player

Jeremy Lin, a famous NBA basketball player and also the first Asian-American in the NBA league since 1947. He believes that everything, whether it be good or bad happens out of God’s good will.

“I don’t have to be ‘Linsanity’ for God to love me, I had to get back to being who God made me to be.”

From the phrase that he said before while he was giving speech to over 20,000 young people in Taiwan at the “Dream Big, Be Yourself” youth conference, he strongly believes that God has His own good will specifically on him. The road to a successful NBA basketball player was never easy. His failure at the beginning of the season caused him to take a backseat to his newly-signed teammate, James Harden. Basketball fans ridiculed him and his coaches treated him as someone who is not worthy to be kept in the team.

Jeremy Lin faced a huge pressure during that bad phase, but thank God that his strong faith in God and his determination paid off. He understood that God given him this skilful talent in playing basketball to give Him glory and worship Him. He stood up from where he fell, embraced all the challenges that awaited him and finally became who he is today by God’s grace and mercy.

Biblical example:


Job, the biblical character who showed great faith in God in the midst of trials

Job, the biblical character who showed great faith in God in the midst of trials

Job was a faithful yet loyal servant of God who had been tested by Satan. He lost his children and all his possessions in a short time promptly. Despite the great lost that he suffered, he was infected by critical disease which put him in a sheer agony. He didn’t know why this series of mishaps happened to him but by all prayers and supplications, asking for God’s help and intervention. The discouragements that he got from his wife and friends did not fail to let his faith down completely. Instead of abandoning his life, he held fast to God’s word and kept believing that God’s will on him is always good. By God’s grace, mercy and of course His Almighty strength, he could go through this trial successfully. He was blessed with more than what he had previously by God. Have faith in God always as He will never forsake you. Since He has promised to be with you through thick and thin, He will definitely do it!


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