HARDSHIP: A Modified Gift Which Benefits Us (Day 3)

#3@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

#3@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

Don’t get unnerved by hardship. It is not a threat, but a modified gift which helps us to find ourselves. Most of the time, it’s the toughest period in our life that we really get to know our real selves. We get to know our weaknesses and of course developing a strong character while going through these dismal moments. Hardship shapes us into a better person from every aspect besides giving us  life lessons that benefit us which money can’t buy.

Related Biblical Verse:

Romans 5: 3- 5- Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us into shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

Life Example:

Gabrielle Giffords, a retired American politician.

Gabrielle Giffords, a retired American politician.

Gabrielle Giffords is a significant US political figure. She used to be the Democratic member of the US House of Representatives. She was the third woman in Arizona’s history to be elected to the US Congress. Besides being the CEO of El Campo Tire warehouses, she also worked as an associate for regional economic development in New York City.

Despite the life success that she achieved, a gunshot incident which happened on 8th January 2011 has literally turned her life upside down. She was being shot right on her head in an attempted assassination near Tucson, at a supermarket where she was meeting publicly with constituent. Her critical brain injury brought bad repercussion on her. She lost her ability to walk, speak, read and write in a short while.

At that moment, she seemingly came to the end of her life.Nevertheless, her optimism and her husband, Mark E. Kelly’s companionship managed to lead her out of this darkness. She went through rehabilitation in Houston, Texas, where she determined to struggle through all the physiotherapy and cognitive recoveries. It’s hard for her but she recovered tremendously and still making efforts to make our world a better place to stay.

“Get involved with your community, be a leader, setting example, be courageous, be your best!” This was what she said on TED Conference recently, inspiring all of us to step out of our comfort zones and endeavour to make our world better. (Watch the TED talk on the link below for details, it’s a TED talk which worth listening to)

Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly: Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best.

(Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabrielle_Giffords )

Biblical example:

Paul, Apostle of Christ

Paul, Apostle of Christ

In 2 Corinthians 11: 23- 28, Paul listed out the sufferings that he went through with God’s grace and mercy.

Paul’s sufferings as an apostle:

1. Imprisonments

2. Often near death

3. Received at the hands of the Jews the forty lashes less one for 5 times

4. 3 times being beaten with rods

5. Being stoned once

6. Being shipwrecked  for 3 times

7. Adrift at sea for a night and a day

8. Faced danger from rivers, robbers, his own people, Gentiles, false brothers, in the city, in the wilderness and at sea on his frequent journeys.

9. Went through many sleepless nights, hunger, thirst, cold and exposure.

10. Faced daily pressure due to his anxiety for all the churches.

In his sufferings, he did not see them as curse or threats but amazing gifts which brought him closer to God. They were Paul’s modified gifts which revealed his weaknesses, and from there, he constantly glorified God by continually recognising His highness. 2 Corinthians 11: 30- “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness” As what Paul stated in this verse, He found intimate peace in God while going through every adversity through his entire life. The more he boasted about his weakness, the more glorified God is and of course, the stronger he got with Christ’s strength.

When you decrease, God increases, that’s the greatest secret of God’s kingdom, as what Paul has shown.

God’s Will: Everything Happens Out Of His Good Will (Day 2)

#2@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

#2@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

There are times where bad things came up in our life and we do not get the result that we want despite the monumental effort that we have given in. Anyhow, do believe that everything happens out of God’s good will. God is always good. He loves us as He Himself is love. He will never waste any time on us by allowing us to go through unnecessary struggles. In every life mishap and every hardship, He is constantly moulding us into better beings who are capable enough to receive the good things that He is going to give us. Be persevered, stand up from where you fall and keep believing that better things will come, either on the world or in God’s kingdom.

Related biblical verse:
Romans 8: 28- And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Life example:

Jeremy Lin, famous NBA basketball player

Jeremy Lin, famous NBA basketball player

Jeremy Lin, a famous NBA basketball player and also the first Asian-American in the NBA league since 1947. He believes that everything, whether it be good or bad happens out of God’s good will.

“I don’t have to be ‘Linsanity’ for God to love me, I had to get back to being who God made me to be.”

From the phrase that he said before while he was giving speech to over 20,000 young people in Taiwan at the “Dream Big, Be Yourself” youth conference, he strongly believes that God has His own good will specifically on him. The road to a successful NBA basketball player was never easy. His failure at the beginning of the season caused him to take a backseat to his newly-signed teammate, James Harden. Basketball fans ridiculed him and his coaches treated him as someone who is not worthy to be kept in the team.

Jeremy Lin faced a huge pressure during that bad phase, but thank God that his strong faith in God and his determination paid off. He understood that God given him this skilful talent in playing basketball to give Him glory and worship Him. He stood up from where he fell, embraced all the challenges that awaited him and finally became who he is today by God’s grace and mercy.

Biblical example:


Job, the biblical character who showed great faith in God in the midst of trials

Job, the biblical character who showed great faith in God in the midst of trials

Job was a faithful yet loyal servant of God who had been tested by Satan. He lost his children and all his possessions in a short time promptly. Despite the great lost that he suffered, he was infected by critical disease which put him in a sheer agony. He didn’t know why this series of mishaps happened to him but by all prayers and supplications, asking for God’s help and intervention. The discouragements that he got from his wife and friends did not fail to let his faith down completely. Instead of abandoning his life, he held fast to God’s word and kept believing that God’s will on him is always good. By God’s grace, mercy and of course His Almighty strength, he could go through this trial successfully. He was blessed with more than what he had previously by God. Have faith in God always as He will never forsake you. Since He has promised to be with you through thick and thin, He will definitely do it!


Day 1- Be Contented With What You Have

#1@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

#1@DOVE Philosophy of Happiness

Often time, we get upset because of the highly coveted skills, possessions and aptitudes that we don’t have. Sometimes, we might excessively crave about them to the extent that we have completely lost ourselves. Without we even realising it, there are actually many things that we have but we not yet notice about them. Focus on what we have, optimise them and develop them to the full extent. Stop mourning over what we don’t have as successful people usually develop whatever skills they have and utilise all possessions they own rather than overly depressed over the things that they don’t have.

Related biblical verse:

1 Timothy 6: 6-8
“But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.”

Life example:

Socrates, who was an eminent social thinker as well as a classical Greek philosopher deemed contentment with what we have as the natural wealth that you and me could possess. He said before that contentment is natural wealth while luxury is artificial poverty. (Essential Thinkers – Socrates (Barnes & Noble Collector’s Library)).  Sometimes, luxurious lifestyle could be a danger too. It may shift our attention on works to an uncontrolled indulgence in various entertainments that bring us only transient pleasures. Subsequently, we waste everything that we have painstakingly earned previously if we enjoy too much in abundance. 

Biblical example:

Paul, a faithful apostle of Christ who had been used greatly by God in the advancement of His kingdom learnt to be contended in every circumstance. His example is evident in Philippians 4: 11- 12. (Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be bought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.)  Paul suffered a lot throughout his ministry. He was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, incarcerated, went through hunger, thirst and tonnes of persecutions. Despite the agony that he was situated in, he found contentment in Christ who is everything. The inner peace and joy that he received while spending time with Christ far over-weighed his fear. He focused on God who always stayed with him and despised the struggles that he went through, knowing that the heavenly award is awaiting him at the time to come.